Code table
of the national and regional carriers
Country /
Carrier code 1
Carrier code 2
![]() Canada |
Germany |
Britain |
T-Mobile | 2343091 | ||
France |
Australia |
Japan |
Korea |
Philippines |
Spain |
Sweden |
Telenor | 2400885 | 2400680 | |
Switzerland |
Ireland |
Poland |
Hungary |
Austria |
A1 Telekom | 23201XX | ||
Note: XX of the uncertainty code, may be 00 to 99 try to test for
inconvenience updating.We will continue to increase and fix
the code, providing more operator
information you canprovide
relevant SIM.We would appreciate cards or data.
Carrier Code:
1 Albania "Albanian Mobile Communications(AMC)" 2760111
2 Albania Eagle Mobile 2760311
3 Albania Vodafone 2760211
4 Algeria AlgeTel 6030111
5 Algeria Nedjma 6030311
6 Algeria Orascom 6030211
7 Andorra Mobiland 2130311
8 Angola Unitel 6310211
9 Anguilla Cabl&wi 3654011
10 Anguilla Mossel 3650511
11 Anguilla Weblink 3651011
12 Argentina Claro 7161003
13 Argentina Compala 7161003
14 Argentina " CompaƱia Telefonos Interior (CTI)" 7223101
15 Argentina Movistar 7220104
16 Argentina Nextel 7220211
17 Argentina Nextel2 7222011
18 Argentina Telecom 7223411
19 Argentina Telefoni 7220711
20 Argentina Telfonic 7227011
21 Armenia Armentel 2830134
22 Armenia karabakh 2830434
23 Armenia Orange 2831034
24 Armenia Vivacell 2830534
25 Australia 3 5050610 2321069
26 Australia Optus 5050210
27 Australia "Vodafone" 5050390
28 Australia 3GIS 5051570
29 Australia AAPT 5051470
30 Australia Advan 5052470
31 Australia Localstar 5058870
32 Australia One 5050870
33 Australia OZITEL 5050534
34 Australia Telstra71 5057170
35 Australia Telstra72 5057270
36 Australia Teltra11 5051170
37 Australia Telstra 5050134
38 Austria 3Hutch 2321070
39 Austria A1 Telekom 2320170 2320100
40 Austria Barabl 2321570
41 Austria BobA1 2321170
42 Austria OneOra 2320570
43 Austria Teleri 2320770
44 Austria T-mobi le 2320370 2320328
45 Austria yesOra 2321270
46 Austria Orange 2320588
47 Austria Three 2321069
48 Aux-Airnet Airnet 5050970
49 Aux-Depart Depart 5050434
50 Belarus Best 2570434
51 Belarus MDC 2570134
52 Belarus MTS 2270234
53 Belgium Base 2061034
54 Belgium Globul 2060534
55 Belgium Mobistar 2061034
56 Belgium Proximus 2060134 2060122
57 Belgium Ortel 2062050
58 Bulgaria MTel 2840179
59 Canada BELL610 3026104
60 Canada Bellpacific 3101703 3026103
61 Canada Fido 3023704 3023703
62 Canada Rogers 3027204 3027203
63 Canada Telus220 3022204 3022203
64 Chile Claro 7300304
65 Chile Entel 7300104
66 Chile Entel10 7301004
67 Chile Movistar 7300204
68 China Mobile 4600202
69 China Unicom 4600158
70 Colombia colomTel 7320014
71 Colombia Comcel 7321014
72 Colombia Edatel 7320024
73 Colombia movista3 7321234
74 Colombia Movistar 7321024
75 Colombia Tigo1 7321114
76 Colombia Tigo3 7321034
77 Czec mobikom 2300434
78 Czec O2telefh 2300234
79 Czec sprava 2309834
80 Czec Tmobi 2300134
81 Czec Vodafone 2300334
82 Czec Vodaf2 2309934
83 Denmark TM 2620125
84 Denmark Demark 2382010
85 Denmark APS 2380534
86 Denmark Barablu 2380734 2380734
87 Denmark H3G 2380634
88 Denmark 3 2380632
89 Denmark Telen 2380241
90 Denmark MiGway 2380334
91 Denmark TDC 2380134
92 Denmark TDC2 2381034
93 Denmark Telenor 2387734 2380234
94 Denmark Telia 2382034
95 Denmark Telia30 2383034
96 Ecuado Alegro 7400234
97 Ecuado Movista 7400034
98 Ecuado Porta 7400134
99 Egypt Mobinil 6020111
100 Egypt Vodafon 6020211
101 Elsalvador Claro 7061034
102 Elsalvador CTE 7060134
103 Elsalvador Digice 7060234
104 Elsalvador Movita 7060434
105 Elsalvador Telemo 7060334
106 Estonia EMT 2480134
107 Filand NDA 2440311
108 Filand Sonera 2449111
109 France Bouy 2082136
110 France BT 2082031
111 France Orange 2080189 2080131
112 France Bouygues20 2082011
113 France Bouygues21 2082111
114 France Bouygues88 2088811
115 France Orange01 2080111
116 France Orange02 2080211
117 France SFR10 2081011
118 France SFR11 2081111
119 France SFR 2081031
120 Germany T-mobile 2620111 2620125 v3 not supported
121 Germany Vodafone 2620208
122 Greece Cosmote 2020134
123 Greece QTelecom 2020934
124 Greece Vodaf 2020534
125 Greece Wind 2021034
126 Honduras Claro 7080111
127 Hungary T-mobi le 2163011 2163000
128 Hungary Vodafone 2167000
129 India Airtel02 4040211
130 India Vodaf01 4040111
131 India Vodaf05 4040511
132 India Vodaf46 4044611
133 Ireland Vodafone 2720110 2720172
134 Ireland O2 2720211 2720231
135 Ireland E-Mobile 2720320
136 Italy Blu 2229834
137 Italy Elsacom 2220234
138 Italy H3G 2229934
139 Italy IPSE 2227734
140 Italy Telecom 2220134
141 Italy TIM 2220134
142 Italy Vodaf 2221034
143 Italy Wind 2228834
144 Japan AU 4540492
145 Japan sofbank 4402011
146 Japan SofbankGre 4402016
147 Japan SoftbankBla 4402081
148 Jordan Jordan Jordan
149 Jordan Orange 4167711
150 Korea Telecome 4500826
151 Liechtenstein Orange 2950211
152 Liechtenstein Swisco 2950111
153 Luxembo Luxgsm 2700101
154 Luxembo Tango 2707701
155 Luxembo Voxmobi 2709901
156 Macedonia One(Ex-Cosmofon) 2940200
157 Macedonia T-Mobile 2940102
158 Macedonia Vip 2940387
159 Montenegro T-Mobile 2970200
160 Macao China 4550234
161 Macao CMT 4550134
162 Macao Hutchis 4550534
163 Macao smartT 4550034
164 Netherland Tmobi 2041611
165 New zeland Econet 5302834
166 New zeland Nzcomunic 5302434
167 Netherland RESEVE 5300134
168 New zeland Telecom 5300534
169 New zeland Teltracle 5300434
170 New zeland Vodafone 5300134 5300166
171 New zeland Woosh 5300334
172 Norway Netcom 2420211
173 Norway Telenor 2420111
174 Peru Claro 7161011
175 Peru TIM 7161011
176 Philipine GB 51502220
177 Philipine SM 5150303
178 Philipine Sun 5150509
179 Philipine Globe 5150211
180 Poland Era 2600211
181 Poland Orange 2600311 2600300
182 Poland T-Mobile 2600200
183 Portugal Vodaf 2680111
184 Portug optimus 2680311
185 Russian Beeline28 2502834
186 Russian Beeline99 2509934
187 Russian megafon 2500234
188 Russian MTS10 2501034
189 Russian Telecom 2509334
190 SaudiArabi EAE 4200734
191 SaudiArabi mobily 4200334
192 SaudiArabi STC 4200134
193 SaudiArabi ZainSA 4200434
194 Slovakia Tmobi2 2310411
195 Slovakia Eurotel2 2310234
196 Slovakia Orange 2310134
197 Slovakia OrangeUMT 2310534
198 Slovakia OrangUMT2 2311534
199 Slovakia TleficO2 2310634
200 Slovakia Vodacom 6550134
201 Spain Movistar 2140711 2140785
202 Spain Orange 2140333
203 Spain Vodafone 2140198
204 Sweden 3 2400200
205 Sweden Tele2 2400700 2400782
206 Sweden Telia 2400100 2400111
207 Sweden Telenor 2400885
208 Sweden Telia 2400111
209 Switzerland Swisscom 2280167
210 Switzerland Orange 2280311 2280300
211 Switzerland Sunrise 2280200
212 Switzerland Swiscom 2280111 ‘0829821
213 Switzerland Sunrise 2280211 2280167
214 Switzerland Swiscom (un-offical) 2280121
215 Taiwan Chungwa 4669234
216 Turkey Turcell 2860134
217 Turkey Vodaf 2860211
218 Turkey Vodafon 2862034
219 United Kingdom 3 2342091 2342073
220 United Kingdom O2 2341091
221 United Kingdom ORG 2343320
222 United Kingdom Vodafon 2341590
223 United Kingdom O2-02 2340211
224 United Kingdom Orange33 2343334
225 United Kingdom T-Mobile 2343091
226 Unites arab DU 4240334
227 Unites arab ETisal 4240234
228 Uruguay CTimov 7481011
229 Uruguay Movist 7480711
230 United States ATT 3104101
231 United States Verizon 2040400 2040400
232 United States Sprint(CDMA) 3160101
1 Albania "Albanian Mobile Communications(AMC)" 2760111
2 Albania Eagle Mobile 2760311
3 Albania Vodafone 2760211
4 Algeria AlgeTel 6030111
5 Algeria Nedjma 6030311
6 Algeria Orascom 6030211
7 Andorra Mobiland 2130311
8 Angola Unitel 6310211
9 Anguilla Cabl&wi 3654011
10 Anguilla Mossel 3650511
11 Anguilla Weblink 3651011
12 Argentina Claro 7161003
13 Argentina Compala 7161003
14 Argentina " CompaƱia Telefonos Interior (CTI)" 7223101
15 Argentina Movistar 7220104
16 Argentina Nextel 7220211
17 Argentina Nextel2 7222011
18 Argentina Telecom 7223411
19 Argentina Telefoni 7220711
20 Argentina Telfonic 7227011
21 Armenia Armentel 2830134
22 Armenia karabakh 2830434
23 Armenia Orange 2831034
24 Armenia Vivacell 2830534
25 Australia 3 5050610 2321069
26 Australia Optus 5050210
27 Australia "Vodafone" 5050390
28 Australia 3GIS 5051570
29 Australia AAPT 5051470
30 Australia Advan 5052470
31 Australia Localstar 5058870
32 Australia One 5050870
33 Australia OZITEL 5050534
34 Australia Telstra71 5057170
35 Australia Telstra72 5057270
36 Australia Teltra11 5051170
37 Australia Telstra 5050134
38 Austria 3Hutch 2321070
39 Austria A1 Telekom 2320170 2320100
40 Austria Barabl 2321570
41 Austria BobA1 2321170
42 Austria OneOra 2320570
43 Austria Teleri 2320770
44 Austria T-mobi le 2320370 2320328
45 Austria yesOra 2321270
46 Austria Orange 2320588
47 Austria Three 2321069
48 Aux-Airnet Airnet 5050970
49 Aux-Depart Depart 5050434
50 Belarus Best 2570434
51 Belarus MDC 2570134
52 Belarus MTS 2270234
53 Belgium Base 2061034
54 Belgium Globul 2060534
55 Belgium Mobistar 2061034
56 Belgium Proximus 2060134 2060122
57 Belgium Ortel 2062050
58 Bulgaria MTel 2840179
59 Canada BELL610 3026104
60 Canada Bellpacific 3101703 3026103
61 Canada Fido 3023704 3023703
62 Canada Rogers 3027204 3027203
63 Canada Telus220 3022204 3022203
64 Chile Claro 7300304
65 Chile Entel 7300104
66 Chile Entel10 7301004
67 Chile Movistar 7300204
68 China Mobile 4600202
69 China Unicom 4600158
70 Colombia colomTel 7320014
71 Colombia Comcel 7321014
72 Colombia Edatel 7320024
73 Colombia movista3 7321234
74 Colombia Movistar 7321024
75 Colombia Tigo1 7321114
76 Colombia Tigo3 7321034
77 Czec mobikom 2300434
78 Czec O2telefh 2300234
79 Czec sprava 2309834
80 Czec Tmobi 2300134
81 Czec Vodafone 2300334
82 Czec Vodaf2 2309934
83 Denmark TM 2620125
84 Denmark Demark 2382010
85 Denmark APS 2380534
86 Denmark Barablu 2380734 2380734
87 Denmark H3G 2380634
88 Denmark 3 2380632
89 Denmark Telen 2380241
90 Denmark MiGway 2380334
91 Denmark TDC 2380134
92 Denmark TDC2 2381034
93 Denmark Telenor 2387734 2380234
94 Denmark Telia 2382034
95 Denmark Telia30 2383034
96 Ecuado Alegro 7400234
97 Ecuado Movista 7400034
98 Ecuado Porta 7400134
99 Egypt Mobinil 6020111
100 Egypt Vodafon 6020211
101 Elsalvador Claro 7061034
102 Elsalvador CTE 7060134
103 Elsalvador Digice 7060234
104 Elsalvador Movita 7060434
105 Elsalvador Telemo 7060334
106 Estonia EMT 2480134
107 Filand NDA 2440311
108 Filand Sonera 2449111
109 France Bouy 2082136
110 France BT 2082031
111 France Orange 2080189 2080131
112 France Bouygues20 2082011
113 France Bouygues21 2082111
114 France Bouygues88 2088811
115 France Orange01 2080111
116 France Orange02 2080211
117 France SFR10 2081011
118 France SFR11 2081111
119 France SFR 2081031
120 Germany T-mobile 2620111 2620125 v3 not supported
121 Germany Vodafone 2620208
122 Greece Cosmote 2020134
123 Greece QTelecom 2020934
124 Greece Vodaf 2020534
125 Greece Wind 2021034
126 Honduras Claro 7080111
127 Hungary T-mobi le 2163011 2163000
128 Hungary Vodafone 2167000
129 India Airtel02 4040211
130 India Vodaf01 4040111
131 India Vodaf05 4040511
132 India Vodaf46 4044611
133 Ireland Vodafone 2720110 2720172
134 Ireland O2 2720211 2720231
135 Ireland E-Mobile 2720320
136 Italy Blu 2229834
137 Italy Elsacom 2220234
138 Italy H3G 2229934
139 Italy IPSE 2227734
140 Italy Telecom 2220134
141 Italy TIM 2220134
142 Italy Vodaf 2221034
143 Italy Wind 2228834
144 Japan AU 4540492
145 Japan sofbank 4402011
146 Japan SofbankGre 4402016
147 Japan SoftbankBla 4402081
148 Jordan Jordan Jordan
149 Jordan Orange 4167711
150 Korea Telecome 4500826
151 Liechtenstein Orange 2950211
152 Liechtenstein Swisco 2950111
153 Luxembo Luxgsm 2700101
154 Luxembo Tango 2707701
155 Luxembo Voxmobi 2709901
156 Macedonia One(Ex-Cosmofon) 2940200
157 Macedonia T-Mobile 2940102
158 Macedonia Vip 2940387
159 Montenegro T-Mobile 2970200
160 Macao China 4550234
161 Macao CMT 4550134
162 Macao Hutchis 4550534
163 Macao smartT 4550034
164 Netherland Tmobi 2041611
165 New zeland Econet 5302834
166 New zeland Nzcomunic 5302434
167 Netherland RESEVE 5300134
168 New zeland Telecom 5300534
169 New zeland Teltracle 5300434
170 New zeland Vodafone 5300134 5300166
171 New zeland Woosh 5300334
172 Norway Netcom 2420211
173 Norway Telenor 2420111
174 Peru Claro 7161011
175 Peru TIM 7161011
176 Philipine GB 51502220
177 Philipine SM 5150303
178 Philipine Sun 5150509
179 Philipine Globe 5150211
180 Poland Era 2600211
181 Poland Orange 2600311 2600300
182 Poland T-Mobile 2600200
183 Portugal Vodaf 2680111
184 Portug optimus 2680311
185 Russian Beeline28 2502834
186 Russian Beeline99 2509934
187 Russian megafon 2500234
188 Russian MTS10 2501034
189 Russian Telecom 2509334
190 SaudiArabi EAE 4200734
191 SaudiArabi mobily 4200334
192 SaudiArabi STC 4200134
193 SaudiArabi ZainSA 4200434
194 Slovakia Tmobi2 2310411
195 Slovakia Eurotel2 2310234
196 Slovakia Orange 2310134
197 Slovakia OrangeUMT 2310534
198 Slovakia OrangUMT2 2311534
199 Slovakia TleficO2 2310634
200 Slovakia Vodacom 6550134
201 Spain Movistar 2140711 2140785
202 Spain Orange 2140333
203 Spain Vodafone 2140198
204 Sweden 3 2400200
205 Sweden Tele2 2400700 2400782
206 Sweden Telia 2400100 2400111
207 Sweden Telenor 2400885
208 Sweden Telia 2400111
209 Switzerland Swisscom 2280167
210 Switzerland Orange 2280311 2280300
211 Switzerland Sunrise 2280200
212 Switzerland Swiscom 2280111 ‘0829821
213 Switzerland Sunrise 2280211 2280167
214 Switzerland Swiscom (un-offical) 2280121
215 Taiwan Chungwa 4669234
216 Turkey Turcell 2860134
217 Turkey Vodaf 2860211
218 Turkey Vodafon 2862034
219 United Kingdom 3 2342091 2342073
220 United Kingdom O2 2341091
221 United Kingdom ORG 2343320
222 United Kingdom Vodafon 2341590
223 United Kingdom O2-02 2340211
224 United Kingdom Orange33 2343334
225 United Kingdom T-Mobile 2343091
226 Unites arab DU 4240334
227 Unites arab ETisal 4240234
228 Uruguay CTimov 7481011
229 Uruguay Movist 7480711
230 United States ATT 3104101
231 United States Verizon 2040400 2040400
232 United States Sprint(CDMA) 3160101