Model Regions for iphone 4 mc605


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Since iphone checker is stop here u can check ur Model Regions for iphone 4 mc605

All Apple iOS devices have a model number which looks something like this: MC605LL/A. The MC605 is an iPhone 4, black, 32GB. You can find these numbers on the Models page. The two letters behind it, LL in this case, specify the region code. The following list gives an overview of all these region codes.

The region codes are probably used to separate the same device by region (different charger, packaging language, etc.).

It is not possible to see to what carrier the phone is locked (or not) by just looking at the model number, but it gives you an idea where the phone was intended to be sold.

It is also noteworthy that my iPhone 4 had a model number MC605FD/A (locked) and it was warranty-exchanged in a Swiss Apple retail store to a MC605B/A. The employee at the Genius Bar locked it with my SIM. I can prove that, because I intentionally gave him the wrong SIM to see if I accidentally get an unlocked replacement phone. When he activated it, it got locked to the "wrong" provider. When we noticed that, he had to get another replacement phone and lock it again to the "correct" provider. This means that even locked phones are initially unlocked and get locked to the carrier of the first inserted SIM. -

The following list shows the possible region codes.

Code Region
AB Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
B Ireland, UK, also used for some replacement phones
BR Brazil (Assembled in Brazil)
BZ Brazil (Assembled in China)
C Canada
CH China
CZ Czech Republic
D Germany
DN Austria, Germany, Netherlands
E Mexico
EE Estonia
FB France, Luxembourg
FD Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
GR Greece
HN India
IP Italy
HB Israel
J Japan
KN Norway
KS Finland, Sweden
LA Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru
LE Argentina
LZ Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
MG Hungary
NF Belgium, France, Luxembourg
PL Poland
PO Portugal
PP Philippines
RO Romania
RS Russia
SL Slovakia
SO South Africa
T Italy
TA Taiwan
TU Turkey
X Australia, New Zealand
Y Spain
ZA Singapore
ZP Hong Kong, Macau


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